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Great Stories Move You. 

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Every Company Is A Media Company


Editorial Craft Masters  

"You need editors, not brand managers, who will push the envelope to make a brand media property go forward." 

- Seth Godin, American author and entrepreneur   

Read more of Chris Knight's own work on the Biznology media site:  

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Decades of Experience:

We've worked since the 1990s as mass-media pros - including TV, radio, and international newspapers and magazines - and helped innovate new ways to reach brands' audiences in the age of social media and digital consumption. 


Our senior editorial team is led by:


 Tom Foremski, ex-Financial Times correspondent, publisher of Silicon Valley Watcher and a contributor for ZDNet. He's the author of "In My Humble Opinion."


 Chris Knight, a former field producer for ABC-TV in Boston, photojournalist and newspaper reporter, and senior brand evangelist in Silicon Valley for 20 years. 

SanDiskTV ExtremeTeam - Jeff Lewis

SanDiskTV ExtremeTeam - Jeff Lewis

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Chris serves as creative director and co-producer of San Francisco's, which creates LGBTQ+ news and lifestyle video content 

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Chris created and led the award-winning SanDisk Extreme Pro global marketing campaign in 24 countries.


He is also the co-founder and creative director of Divino Group, the parent company of Every Media Company.  


Creative Director, Writer and Photographer 

Chris began his career as a journalist: writing and photographing for Salt magazine, the Vineyard Gazette and the San Francisco Bay Guardian. He also worked as a field producer for ABC-TV in Boston. 


From the late 1990s to 2015, he worked as a marketing communications consultant for numerous global brands and tech startups at large, multinational agencies like GCI Group, FleishmanHillard, Cohn & Wolfe and Ruder Finn. 


His experience across sectors and campaigns is broad, including sports marketing, corporate communications for public companies, sustainability and CSR, consumer electronics, R&D labs, A.I. and robotics, SaaS platforms, VC firms, executive speeches and thought leadership. He's created integrated branding campaigns on a global scale. 


Clients he's served during the last two decades include BMW, ClearStory Data, Genentech, Jumpshot, Maxtor, Movidius, Neato Robotics, Panasonic, Project Kaisei, Redpoint eventures, SanDisk, Seagate Technology, Sun Labs, The Bay Citizen, Venrock and

Let's connect on Linkedin...

Promo for PRWeek Award for SanDisk campa
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Max Reinert

Read Tom's latest stories by clicking the media outlet logos - just above.  



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Tom is an ex-Financial Times journalist, who's covered the collision of technology and media at his blog, Silicon Valley Watcher, since 2004. 




Senior Media Communications Consultant 

Tom was the first to coin the phrase "Every Company Is a Media Company." He's been covering San Francisco and Silicon Valley for more than two decades and has witnessed the transformation of Silicon Valley becoming a Media Valley. 


From 1999 to 2004, he worked as a full-time technology correspondent and columnist for the Financial Times from the San Francisco Bay Area. He was the first journalist to leave a major newspaper, the FT, to become a "journalist blogger" and publisher of Silicon Valley Watcher. 


More recently, Tom served as editorial communications director for Delphix, an SV-based innovator of virtualized databases. He's also served as an advisor to IBM, Infineon, Intel, Microsoft, Novell, Tibco and Weber Shandwick. 


In 2014, Tom received the "Innovator of the Year" award from The Holmes Report, one of the PR industry's top trade publications. He's spoken at more than 100 conferences and company events, and interviewed most of the top CEOs in Silicon Valley and beyond. 

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Tom is the author of: "In My Humble Opinion: Notes from a Silicon Valley Watcher" available on Amazon.   

Tom's story on BayBrazil Conference
Tom's story on LGBTQs vs. Google
Tom's story on SummitSync news
Tom's story on Carnival's IOT
Tom's story on digital ad fraud
Tom's story on rise of tech workers
Tom's story on data security
Tom's story on Tim O'Reilly talk

In an age when "every company is a media company,"

we're here to advise and help every media company.  

Every Media Company offers editorial consulting services, including: strategic communications counsel, magazine storytelling and design services, blog and social media content, ghost-written bylines and editorial placements, video and podcast production, script writing, copywriting and company newsroom design

The concept of "every company is a media company" 

was first coined by Tom Foremski in April 2010.  

To read more about EC = MC, visit Silicon Valley Watcher: 


Every Media Company is a division of Divino Group


Contact Chris Knight:, 415-786-9226 c


© February 2019 Divino Group LLC  

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